As the parent/guardian of a child involved with Grace Community Bible Church, I hereby authorize the following:
I grant Grace Community Bible Church permission to photograph/video record my child whose name is listed above while involved in activities.
I grant Grace Community Bible Church permission to use any photographs/video footage/voice recordings of my child taken during their activities with them to be posted on their website, Facebook, brochures, flyers or any other publication.
I understand that all rights, title and interest in the photography or videography obtained belongs to Grace Community Bible Church and that I will receive no financial compensation for the use of these photos and/or video. They may edit, copy, alter or revise the photos/videos as they see fit. Grace Community Bible Church will retain control over the use and distribution of the photographs/video.
I understand this program, by its nature, can present circumstances that place some risk of injury to my child/children, and others, while participating in Grace Kids / Grace Youth. I understand the nature and content of the activity listed and am aware of the potential dangers incidental to engaging in the program. I agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold Grace Community Bible Church, it's officers, members, instructors, and employees harmless and free from any and all liability resulting directly or indirectly from participation in the program, including but not limited to liability for any and all demands, damages, claims, suits, liens and judgments, including cost and attorneys fees, of whatever nature. I have carefully read this Indemnity, Release, Waiver and Assumption of Risk Agreement and fully understand its contents and understand that it shall be binding upon me, my heirs, successors and assigns. I am aware that this is a full release of liability and sign it of my own free will.
By using E-Signature you acknowledge and agree that it is legally binding.